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Optimized local interdependence Resilience, bioregional self-reliance, common integrity A community is a group of living things with shared features, attributes or interests, such as place, norms, religion, values, customs, or identity. The English-language word "community" derives from the Latin _communitas_:...

Sirius Community
A community founded by former members of Findhorn Community in Scotland wishing to establish a similar community in their American homeland.

Community Alternatives Coop Community Garden
Community garden with 20 garden plots.

Kerrisdale Community Garden
Community garden with 22 garden plots and 4 food trees. Operated by Kerrisdale Community Garden Committee (under Kerrisdale Community Centre Society).

One Community
One Community’s purpose is to help people create a better world by creating a solution model that creates solution-creating models for The Highest Good of All. One Community is creating open-source blueprints for a sustainable civilization. These plans are designed to demonstrate and inspire, believing...

Clearwater Commons
The Clearwater Commons is an intentional, ecologically-responsible residential community. The physical design of the community represents the underlying values of community and low-impact development. Pedestrian walkways, community gardens, benches, shared tool sheds and play spaces reflect the desire...

Atira Community Garden
Community garden with 15 garden plots. Operated by Atira Community Resources.

Cortes Community Resilience
Working for a hopeful future by growing community resilience, deepening connectedness, increasing local self-sufficiency, and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Cortes Community Resilience holds monthly gatherings for fellowship, discussion, and planning around the mission. Through newsletters...

Foundation for Intentional Community
The Foundation for Intentional Community is a resource hub for the intentional communities movement, and has over 35 years of partnership with hundreds of intentional communities around the world; envisioning a just, resilient, and cooperative world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive in community. VALUES: ...

Cottonwood Community Garden
Community garden with 139 garden plots and 26 food trees. Operated by Strathcona Community Gardeners Society.

Pandora Park Community Garden
Community garden with 66 garden plots and 4 food trees. Operated by Pandora Park Community Garden Society.

Maple Community Garden
Community garden with 63 garden plots and 4 food trees. Maple Community Garden was founded in 1989 and is located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, along the Arbutus Corridor in the Kitsilano area. There are approximately 75 members, seven member sections and three communal sections. There are...

Kitsilano Community Garden
Community garden with 55 garden plots and 15 food trees. Operated by Kitsilano Community Garden Association.

John McBride Community Garden
Community garden with 49 garden plots and 1 food trees. Operated by Creek Community Gardeners (under False Creek South Neig'd Assoc.).

Pine St. Community Orchard
Community garden with 47 garden plots. Operated by Pine Community Garden Association.

Pine St. Community Garden
Community garden with 40 garden plots. Operated by Pine Community Garden Association.

Nelson Park Community Garden
Community garden with food trees and 38 garden plots. Operated by Nelson Park Community Garden Society.

UP! Elgin community garden
Community garden with 35 garden plots and 4 food trees. Operated by Fraser Kensington Community Garden Society.

CROWS Point Community Garden
Community garden with 30 garden plots. Operated by CROWS Point Community Garden Society.

Cambie Park Community Garden
Community garden with 30 garden plots. Operated by Marpole Oakridge Community Association.

Creekside Community Recreation Centre Collaborative Garden
Community garden with 23 garden plots and 10 food trees. Operated by Creekside Community Centre Staff.

Pine Street Community Garden (6th and Fir Park)
Community garden with 20 garden plots and 16 food trees. Operated by Pine Street Community Garden Society.

Kitsilano Community Centre Garden
Community garden with 15 garden plots. Operated by Kitsilano Community Centre Association.

Kitsilano Christian Community Church garden
Community garden with 7 garden plots. Operated by Kitsilano Christian Community Church.

Copley Community Orchard
Community garden with 3 garden plots and 100 food trees. Operated by Copley Community Orchard Society.

Heathcote Community
An intentional community nestled in a narrow wooded stream valley on 44 acres of land that is part of the School of Living community land trust.

Laughing Willow Community Garden
The Laughing Willow Community Garden is located at the corner of Lawson Grove and Simms Rd. in Willow Point, Campbell River. Family orientated, organic gardening in a friendly, peaceful environment to enrich lives and community.

Community Land Trusts
Community land trusts (CLTs) are nonprofit organizations governed by a board of CLT residents, community residents and public representatives that provide lasting community assets and shared equity homeownership opportunities for families and communities. CLTs develop rural and urban agriculture projects,...

Pacific Gardens Cohousing Community
BC, Canada sustainable community eco village.

Stowe Farm Community
STOWE FARM COMMUNITY (formerly Katywil) is a multi-generational rural co-housing community in the beautiful hills of western Mass.

Strathcona Community Garden
Community garden with 200 garden plots and 104 food trees. Operated by Strathcona Community Gardeners Society.

Community Gardens
Places where many people can grow food together on the same piece of land In many community gardens, individuals, families or groups have exclusive use of a garden plot or plots for the growing season. In others, garden plots are shared. Community garden ownership models are quite varied. Many are...

Community Exchange Systems
The Community Exchange System (CES) is a web service that provides the tools for communities to set up and manage exchange and trade in their areas without using money. It also provides communities with a network that permits them to trade with other communities, wherever they are in the world. The...

Cypress Community Garden
Community garden with 66 garden plots.

Woodland Park Community Garden
Community garden with 64 garden plots and 3 food trees. Operated by Village Vancouver Transition Society.

Cedar Cottage Community Garden
Community garden with 61 garden plots and 13 food trees. Operated by Cedar Cottage Garden Society .

Elisabeth Rogers Community Garden
Community garden with 56 garden plots and 12 food trees. Operated by Urban Diggers Society.

Sahalli Community Garden
Community garden with 54 garden plots. Operated by Urban Diggers Society.

Cedar Cottage Community Garden - Part 2
Community garden with 49 garden plots. Operated by Cedar Cottage Garden Society .

MOBY Community Garden
Community garden with 45 garden plots. Operated by My Own Back Yard.

Robson Park Community Garden
Community garden with 44 garden plots. Operated by Urban Diggers Society.

Wall Street Community Garden
Community garden with 42 garden plots. Operated by Kiwassa Neighbourhood Services Association.

Brewery Creek Community Garden
Community garden with 40 garden plots and 11 food trees. Operated by Urban Diggers Society.

Il Centro Community Garden (Beaconsfield Park)
Community garden with 40 garden plots and 40 food trees. Operated by Italian Cultural Centre.

Fraserlands Community Garden (Riverfront Park)
Community garden with 38 garden plots. Operated by South Vancouver Family Place.

Charleson Park Community Garden
Community garden with 38 garden plots. Operated by False Creek South Neighbourhood Association.

Cheyenne Community Garden
Community garden with 37 garden plots and 7 food trees. Operated by Collingwood Neighbourhood House Society.

Stanley Park Community Garden
Community garden with 32 garden plots.

Adanac Park Community Garden
Community garden with 30 garden plots and 8 food trees. Operated by Kiwassa Neighbourhood Services Association.

Collingwood Community Gardens
Community garden with 30 garden plots. Operated by Renfrew Collingwood Food Security Institute.

Mount Pleasant Community Garden
Community garden with 30 garden plots and 16 food trees. Operated by Urban Diggers Society.

Dundee Community Garden
Community garden with 30 garden plots and 4 food trees. Operated by Dundee Court Housing Co-op.

Hastings Community Centre Learning Garden
Community garden with 25 garden plots. Operated by Seasons of Food.

Grandview Elementary Community Garden
Community garden with 24 garden plots and yes food trees. Operated by Grandview Garden Coordinator (VCH SMART funding).

China Creek Community Garden
Community garden with 23 garden plots and 3 food trees. Operated by Urban Diggers Society.

Tea Swamp Community Garden
Community garden with 20 garden plots and 4 food trees. Operated by Urban Diggers Society.

Kingscrest Park Community Garden
Community garden with 20 garden plots. Operated by Cedar Cottage Food Network Society.

McSpadden Park Community Garden
Community garden with 18 garden plots. Operated by McSpadden Agricultural Project Society.

Kaslo Gardens Community Vegetable Garden
Community garden with 16 garden plots. Operated by Kaslo Gardens Housing Cooperative.

The James Garden & Social Community
Community garden with 12 garden plots.

Vera Community Garden
Community garden with 12 garden plots.

Kiwassa Neighbourhood House Community Garden
Community garden with 11 garden plots. Operated by Kiwassa Neighbourhood House.

Norquay Community Learning Orchard
Community garden with 11 garden plots and 20 food trees. Operated by Collingwood Neighbourhood House Society.

Grass Roots Community Garden
Community garden with 10 garden plots. Operated by Servants Canada.

Deeper Roots Seniors Community Garden
Community garden with 10 garden plots. Operated by Oakridge Adventist Church.

Champlain Place Community Garden
Community garden with 8 garden plots. Operated by BC Housing.

Let's Grow Together! Community Garden
Community garden with 6 garden plots. Operated by St. David of Wales Angclican Church.

Still Creek Community Garden
Community garden operated by Collingwood Neighbourhood House Society.

Southwest Sufi Community
NM, United States sustainable community eco village.

Cedar Cottage Community Garden
Cedar Cottage Community Garden offers over 100 garden plots with a variety of micro-climates and growing conditions for gardeners of all ages and abilities, plus extensive common areas.

PLACE - People Linking Art Community & Ecology
PLACE is a public-serving, experiential learning center to showcase and foster sustainable living practices, urban homesteading, community resiliency & preparedness, social justice and artistic expression. Their goal is to incubate a local sustainability hub to allow people to see solutions in practice;...

Hickory Nut Forest Eco-Community
Sustainable Living in a community of ?forever-wild ?lands, green-?solar ?homes, ?organic gardens/orchard, and renewable energy from solar and water. Nestled in the beautiful Southern Appalachian Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina.

Pender Community Garden
Local sustainable and enlightened community gardens organization.

Bliss, Cremation and Green Burial Services
Bliss is an eco-friendly cremation and green burial services company located in Vancouver B.C. They provide full service "green" funereal services as one of the first eco-burial business in western Canada. Biodegradable and eco-friendly materials and practices are employed and Bliss is part of a growing...

Cortes Community Forest Cooperative
The Cortes Community Forest Cooperative (CCFC) is partners with the Klahoose First Nation in the Cortes Forestry General Partnership (CFGP). The CCFC operates on the traditional territories of the Klahoose, Homalco, Tla’amin and Wei Wai Kum peoples. We are the non-aboriginal equal partner in the Cortes...

Therah Village
THERAH is a Village Community sharing, stewarding and living on 160 healthy acres of forest, wetlands and gardens at the north end of Galiano Island. An Intentional community of twenty-nine shareholders, we collectively administer ourselves as a company for the benefit and enjoyment of Therah members...

Welland Legacy Park & Community Orchard
The Welland Legacy Park houses a community orchard that is the largest & most diverse in Canada. Once the backyard of local conservationist Rex Welland, the mixed orchard features 100 varieties of rare heritage apples. It is also home to a heritage nursery and native bees habits. The Orchard is open...

upland hills learning community
Upland Hills School encourages children to know themselves and to connect with themselves and with their environment as responsible world citizens.

Nanaimo Community Home Learners (NCHL)
Nanaimo Community Home Learners is a collection of families in and around Nanaimo who support one another on their homeschooling journeys. NCHL’s current membership includes over 60 diverse families from Nanaimo, Gabriola Island, Ladysmith, Duncan, Lantzville, Parksville, and Qualicum Beach. Support...

Ladybug Garden
Community garden with 46 garden plots and 7 food trees. Operated by The Britannia Community Services Centre Society.

Village on False Creek Garden
Community garden with 45 garden plots. Operated by Village on False Creek Community Gardens Society.

Killarney Garden
Community garden with 20 garden plots. Operated by Killarney community centre.

Chester's Field Garden
Community garden with 10 garden plots and 3 food trees. Operated by Fraser Kensington Community Garden Society.

Brightside Home Foundation - King's Daughters garden
Community garden with 3 garden plots. Operated by Brightside Community Homes Foundation.

Brightside Home Foundation - Wallace Wilson garden
Community garden with three garden plots. Operated by Brightside Community Homes Foundation.

The Hub Community Bike Shop
The Hub is a non-profit bicycle repair shop and community resource for cyclists of all flavors.

Community Forge
Community Forge is a non-profit organization that designs, develops and distributes free complementary currency tools. They have provided a exchange platform to more than 600 communities to establish and manage their own complementary currencies.

Cowichan Green Community
Cowichan Green Community Society, (CGC) is a non-profit organization that has been focusing on environmental sustainability in the Cowichan Region since March 2004. CGC’s mandate is to improve food security by developing strong relationships with local food producers, increasing capacity for local...

Cortes Community Housing
The mandate of the Cortes Community Housing Society (CHS) is to provide and operate affordable housing and incidental facilities for low to modest-income households on Cortes Island, BC. This includes the creation of year-round homes for singles, couples, and families of all ages.

NW Permaculture Community
NW Permaculture Community regional map

The Orchard Community Learning Center
Creating a flourishing local food system by gathering all of the growers, local farmers, and nature lovers to empower real, local food. Providing programs to make it easier to grow good produce and help the community access it. These programs include a student run vegan café, a food-to-food composting...

Bellingham Community Food Co-op
Voted Bellingham's best grocery store, the Bellingham Community Food Co-op organic, local, & natural groceries and to-go meals made in-house.

O.U.R. Ecovillage
Located on 25 acres near Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia, O.U.R. ECOVILLAGE began with a vision to create a model demonstration sustainable village community rooted in social, ecological, and economic well being. O.U.R. Ecovillage is the host site for O.U.R Community Association, a registered nonprofit...

Earthen Heart
Earthen Heart is a Permacultural Community Homestead that has been shifting a 20 acre parcel single family rural farm home towards a collective eco-habitat guided by permaculture principles.

Sacred Garden Sanctuary
Sacred Garden Sanctuary is an intentional community dedicated to sustainable farming and lifestyle.

Mole Hill Garden
Community garden with 70 garden plots and 1 food trees. Operated by Gordon Neighbourhood House.

Cityview Baptist Church garden
Community garden with 6 garden plots and 1 food trees. Operated by Neighbours.

Habitat Villa - Metro Housing garden
Community garden with 4 garden plots. Operated by Habitat Villa/Metro Housing.

WildCraft Ecovillage
A unique experimental, off-grid Intentional Community that is based on the principles of Permaculture, Sustainable Concepts, and healthy Intentional Community Design.

Nurture in Nature
Nurture In Nature is a collaborative community space for practising a sustainable, healthy, new way of life. As a team, they are in the process of transforming a 40-acre piece of property into a holistic and resilient ecosystem that produces food as well as provides for community education, growth,...

The Solar Commons Project
The Solar Commons Project is a community-engaged, multi-disciplinary research project based at the University of Minnesota, applying the Solar Commons Model of low-income community trust ownership in Living Labs with community partners. The project is co-creating and testing the legal and digital dashboard...

Elemental Permaculture
Dan and Aaron through their business partnership Elemental Permaculture have established the Illawarra region as a centre for school and community Permaculture gardens. Engaging schools & community through a participatory design approach and building community capacity through facilitating dynamic group...

Kootenay Lightweb Computing Service
The “Kootenay Lightweb” is a community owned cloud server, communication, Software and IT Educational service which provides community owned “Data” and “Social Network” alternatives to “Big Data”. The “Lightweb” also provides ethical and open-source technology (hardware and software)...

The Catfarm is an off-grid community and educational non-profit located on a farm near the city of Poussan in Southern France. They host international volunteers through work exchange in partnership with platforms such as Worldpackers and Global Ecovillage Network. The community consists of travelers,...

World Community Fair Trade
A multi-faceted BC organization selling fair trade goods; organic coffee, tea, chocolate products, olive oil & spices to retail outlets and wholesale for fundraising efforts. Profits from coffee sales go toward sponsoring health care in Nicaragua. Organize and sponsor an annual (and traveling) film...

Canticle Farm
An urban community and non-profit organization, Canticle Farm is comprised of six adjacent houses near 36th Avenue in Oakland, California. Begun from the home of a family of Franciscan Catholics with connections to the Work That Reconnects in the tradition of Joanna Macy, Canticle Farm now provides living...

Los Angeles Eco-Village
A 30 to 40 member intentional community living in the LAEV two block neighborhood demonstrates processes for achieving lower environmental impacts while raising the quality of community life. They envision changing the way to live in the city and strive to inspire others to make more rapid and deeper...

Port Townsend EcoVillage
Port Townsend EcoVillage is a community of people living in harmony with each other and the earth.

Aldinga Arts Ecovillage
The Village concept emerged from the interwoven philosophies of several distinct strands: the arts, Permaculture & environmental sustainability, and the desire to create more cohesive community. Out of this background has come the collective vision for an EcoVillage

Pickards Mountain Eco-Institute
The Eco-Institute at Pickards Mountain is an Earth Sanctuary and Learning Community dedicated to Healing the Human-Earth Relationship. The educational farm and regenerative sustainability learning center reside on 38 acres in the Piedmont of North Carolina.

Hastings St Folk Garden
Community garden with 150 garden plots. Operated by Portland Housing Society.

Millross Gardens on Main
Community garden with 130 garden plots. Operated by Amacon.

Jacob's Well #1 Garden
Community garden with 120 garden plots. Operated by Jacob's Well.

Jacob's Well #2 Garden
Community garden with 120 garden plots. Operated by Jacob's Well.

Davie Village Garden
Community garden with 100 garden plots. Operated by Vancouver Public Space Network.

East Boulevard Allotment Plots
Community garden with 71 garden plots. Operated by City of Vancouver.

Maclean Housing Garden
Community garden with 65 garden plots.

16 Oaks Garden
Community garden with 55 garden plots.

Dowtown Intercultural Gardeners Society (DIGS)
Community garden with 46 garden plots. Operated by Downtown Intercultural Gardeners Society.

Robson Park Coop Garden
Community garden with 40 garden plots. Operated by Robson Park Co-op.

City Hall Lawn Garden
Community garden with 36 garden plots and 6 food trees. Operated by Evergreen.

Dunbar and 41st Garden
Community garden with 36 garden plots. Operated by Shifting Growth.

Farmers at 57th
Community garden with 32 garden plots.

China Creek Housing Co-op Garden
Community garden with 30 garden plots. Operated by China Creek Housing Co-op.

Urban Acres
Community garden with 30 garden plots. Operated by Urban Acres.

Langara College Garden
Community garden with 26 garden plots.

Means of Production Garden
Community garden with 20 garden plots and 25 food trees. Operated by Environmental Youth Alliance.

Princess and Cordova Garden
Community garden with 20 garden plots. Operated by Servants Canada.

Garden of Eatin'
Community garden with 20 garden plots. Operated by First Christian Reformed Church.

The World in a Garden
Community garden with 20 garden plots. Operated by World in a Garden.

The Rise on Cambie
Community garden with 18 garden plots. Operated by Strata Council.

SPEC Cambie Communal Garden
Community garden with 17 garden plots. Operated by SPEC.

Matheson Heights Housing Coop Garden
Community garden with 16 garden plots.

Grace Memorial Church Garden
Community garden with 15 garden plots. Operated by Grace Memorial Church.

Bosman Hotel Garden
Community garden with 12 garden plots. Operated by Bosman Hotel Society.

Grandview Terrace Garden
Community garden with 12 garden plots. Operated by BC Housing.

HFBC Housing Foundation Garden - 5th Avenue
Community garden with 12 garden plots.

HFBC Housing Foundation Garden - Venables St
Community garden with 12 garden plots. Operated by HFBC Housing Foundation .

HFBC Housing Foundation Garden - Euclid St
Community garden with 12 garden plots. Operated by HFBC Housing Foundation .

Cedar Cottage Neighourhood House Edible Garden
Community garden with 12 garden plots. Operated by Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House.

BC Seniors Living Assoc. Garden
Community garden with 11 garden plots. Operated by BC Seniors Living Assoc. Beulah Homes Society.

Tenth Church Garden
Community garden with 10 garden plots. Operated by Tenth Church.

Chilean Housing Coop Garden
Community garden with 10 garden plots. Operated by Chilean Housing Coop .

Chinatown Peace Church Garden
Community garden with 10 garden plots. Operated by Chinatown Peace Church.

Menno Simmons centre Garden
Community garden with 10 garden plots.

Aberthau Garden Project
Community garden with 10 garden plots.

City Hall expansion garden
Community garden with 10 garden plots. Operated by pending.

Our Lady of Sorrows Convent garden
Community garden with nine garden plots. Operated by Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist.

SPEC Rooftop Garden
Community garden with 9 garden plots. Operated by SPEC.

15th Avenue Coop garden
Community garden with 8 garden plots.

Marpole Family Place
Community garden with 8 garden plots. Operated by Marpole Family Place.

Church of the Good Sheppard garden
Community garden with 8 garden plots.

Emma G Coop garden
Community garden with 8 garden plots.

Mount Pleasant Demonstration Garden
Community garden with 8 garden plots.

Oppenheimer Park Medicine Wheel Garden
Community garden with 8 garden plots.

South Vancouver Family Place 1 garden
Community garden with 8 garden plots. Operated by South Vancouver Family Place.

St. Augustines Anglican Church garden
Community garden with 8 garden plots. Operated by St. Augustines Anglican Church.

Marpole Place expansion garden
Community garden with 6 garden plots.

Lakeview United Church garden
Community garden with 6 garden plots. Operated by Lakeview United Church.

DTES Market location garden
Community garden with 6 garden plots. Operated by DTES Market.

Chimo Terrace Youth Garden
Community garden with 5 garden plots. Operated by Grandview Woodlands Food Connection.

Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House Garden 2
Community garden with 5 garden plots. Operated by Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House.

Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House Garden 1
Community garden with 5 garden plots. Operated by Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House.

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House garden
Community garden with 5 garden plots. Operated by Kitsilano Neighbourhood House.

Moberley Cultural Herb Garden
Community garden with 5 garden plots. Operated by Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre.

Hemlock Court garden
Community garden with 4 garden plots. Operated by Hemlock Court Housing/Metro Housing.

Trillium Park North Artists Garden
Community garden with 4 garden plots. Operated by Earthand Gleaners Society.

SPEC Vancouver Compost Demonstration Garden
Community garden operated by SPEC.

Kits Village Collaborative Garden
Community garden with 5 food trees. Operated by Village Vancouver.

Blue Hill Co-op Community Market & Cafe
Blue Hill, US organic food store.

Other Avenues Community Food Store
San Francisco, US organic food store.

Hendersonville Community Co-op
Hendersonville, US organic food store.

Oneota Community Food Co-op
Decorah, US organic food store.

Wedge Community Co-op
Minneapolis, US organic food store.

Santa Rosa Community Market & Café
Santa Rosa, US sustainable food store.

Community Co-op
Little Falls, US organic food store.

Community Mercantile
Lawrence, US organic food store.

Great Basin Community Food Coop
Reno, US organic food store.

Co-op Community Food Market
Hanover, US organic food store.

Community Food Co-op
Bozeman, US organic food store.

Quaker Intentional Village - Canaan
A community of ten households and several others interested in membership, living close to the land on 135 acres of mixed woodland and pasture.

Cowichan Valley Home Learning Community
Homeschool support group serving Ladysmith, Chemainus, Crofton, Duncan, Cobble Hill, Shawnigan Lake, Cowichan Bay and Mill Bay, BC

Blue Jay Lake Organic Farm & Community
Blue Jay Lake farm is a 300 acre property nestled in Green Valley in the heart of Cortes Island which was formerly an early 1900's homestead. At the time the land was purchased by the Verschuurs in 1990, the only infrastructure (amongst an abundance of forests, fields, bluffs, swamps and three lakes)...

Interfaith Community Sanctuary
A space for all religions, with the following tenets: "We seek the truth and speak our truth without fear. We are open to hearing and learning from each other. We reflect on our interfaith vision and nurture it in our hearts. We pray for the realization of our interfaith vision!

The Guthrie Center
Founded by Arlo Guthrie to honor the legacy of his parents, Woody Guthrie and Marjorie Mazia-Guthrie, the Guthrie Foundation seeks to cultivate cultural preservation, promote educational achievement and foster community outreach to meet the ongoing needs of the community. The Guthrie Center was founded...

Port Orford Community Co-op
Port Orford, US organic food store.

Renaissance Community Co-op
Greensboro, US organic food store.

Moonflower Community Cooperative
Moab, US organic food store.

BriarPatch Co-op Natural Foods Community Market
Grass Valley, US organic food store.

Barrels Community Market
Co-op local food store and cafe in the heart of downtown Waterville, Maine.

Mountain Community Co-op
Eatonville, US organic food store.

Trillium Natural Foods Community Co-op
Mount Horeb, US organic food store.

River Market Community Co-op
Stillwater, US organic food store.

Community Store Co-op
Frederick, US organic food store.

Cite Ecologique of New Hampshire
Intentional community

Glen Valley Organic Farm
The Glen Valley Organic Farm Co-operative (GVOFC) is a community of individuals who have come together with the goal of sharing, owning and operating Glen Valley Organic Farm. The Co-operative uses a consensus model of decision-making, ensuring that all members have a voice.

IDEAL Society
Shared collective life in the beautiful mountains of southeastern British Columbia forms an experimental framework and environment in which to grow in harmony with nature, while contributing to the well-being of the group and larger community in a spirit of sustainable development.

Co-housing sustainable community

Communitecture is a full service architecture firm for commercial and residential projects based out of Portland, Oregon. Focusing on beautiful and sustainable places that bring people together in community and push the ecological design envelope.

A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction
_ ** A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction**_ is a 1977 book on architecture, urban design, and community livability. It was authored by Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa and Murray Silverstein of the Center for Environmental Structure of Berkeley, California _ "At the core... is the...

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