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16 items for practical (Page 1 of 1)

The Art of Fermentation
The Art of Fermentation: An In-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from Around the World by Sandor Ellix Katz Foreword by Michael Pollan With practical information on fermenting vegetables, fruits, grains, milk, beans, meats, and more… The Art of Fermentation is the most...

Zero Waste Living — Bea Johnson
Bea Johnson lives a zero-waste lifestyle with a family of four. A writer, speaker, and leader, she shares practical tips and how-tos for reducing waste and shifting our lifestyle to ensure a healthy environment into the future.

The NeoHouse Institute
A non-profit organization supporting greenbuilding and ecolifestyle.

Physical Exercise
Optimizing health and well-being with a physically active lifestyle Physical exercise is critically important to human health and longevity. For many people modern technology has removed the practical necessity of an active day-to-day lifestyle and replaced it with a sedentary existence, but it has...

A governance method that aims to make practical and effective use of collaboration, self-organization, and distributed authority Sociocracy is a governance system designed to protect and apply the values and ideals of a democracy. Unlike most current democracies, it is also a governance structure designed...

Mycology Logos
Mycology Logos is a school dedicated to mushrooms, lichens, and micro fungi, including the applied sciences of mycology and the practical arts of working with fungi. All Mycology Logos' spawn is grown using only organic, wild-crafted, and/or locally-sourced ingredients and the grains used in the cultivation...

Essential Composting Toilets
A guide to Options, Design, Installation, and Use. Essential Composting Toilets is a streamlined, illustrated manual that takes a practical approach to system selection criteria, design, installation, and operation, while meeting universal health and safety objectives.

Wetland Restoration and Training Resources
There are countless publications available about wetland restoration and construction. Not all are the easiest to understand or the most practical in terms of bringing the knowledge home to where you live and work. Here, you will find publications and resources that are based on in-field experiences...

Transfarmation Farm
Transfarmation... More than farming: Growing Cultural Change. We can transform our communities, our society and, ultimately our culture, by transforming the way we think, live, work, play and eat. By using practical permaculture and bio-intensive methods to grow 16,000 pounds of vegetables and fruit...

Sociocracy 3.0
Sociocracy 3.0 — a.k.a. “S3” — is social technology for evolving agile and resilient organizations at any size, from small start-ups to large international networks and multi-agency collaboration. Inside this practical guide you’ll discover a comprehensive collection of tried and tested...

The Agroforestry Research Trust – | Forest Gardening | Fruit Trees | Nut Trees | Perennial Vegetables |
The Agroforestry Research Trust is a non-profit making charity, registered in 1992 in England, which researches and educates about agroforestry and perennial crops. They do practical research on our trial grounds, run courses, publish guides, and sell plants, seeds, and books. It is a carbon-negative...

EarthEasy Guide to Composting
An easy-to-follow practical guide for learning how to compost, including free-standing piles and container type methods

The Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA) is an international organization focused on Zero Waste standards, policies and best practices. The ZWIA Charter Principles are: 1. Convert waste to resources for the benefits of local production and the creation of a sustainable society. 2. Redesign products...

Beneficially fulfilling a genuine and relevant need

International Association for the Study of Commons
The IASC is the leading professional association dedicated to the commons. The association, founded in 1989 by Elinor Ostrom and others, is devoted to bringing together multi-disciplinary researchers, practitioners, and policymakers for the purpose of improving governance and management, advancing understanding,...

Lost Valley Educational Center
Lost Valley Educational Center is a non-profit 501(c)3 in Dexter, Oregon, 20 minutes east of Eugene. They take a holistic approach to sustainability education, engaging students in ecological, social, and personal growth. The center is host to an intentional community inspired by Sociocracy and guided...

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