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Share Nelson

Zero-waste store.

Located in the heart of the Kootenays, SHARE Nelson is a non-profit secondhand store, supporting humanity and responsible ecology.

They support our community by financially contributing to Our Daily Bread (ODB) and being ecologically mindful in our daily practices. Thanks to purchases and generous donations, we are able to continue supporting this goal.

​Located just upstairs from the store, ODB is a non-barrier space for all members of our community. As Nelson's only community lunch program; subsidized hot lunches are provided for approximately 50 people a day, Monday to Friday.

Some additional outreach services are available in the space ODB provides; more detailed information can be found in ther main menu under Our Daily Bread.

At SHARE, is a creative staff of 10 employees and are very appreciative of the amazing volunteers, who contribute greatly to the store operations.